Week 1 David and Teresa Ferguson's Marriage Story
The authors share their rocky start and the intimacy they now enjoy as they partner with Jesus to love one another well.
Week 1 Meditation Video: Jesus Rises to Show You Compassion
Meditate on how Jesus rises from his throne each day because he can’t wait to show you grace and compassion.
Week 1 Meditation Audio: Jesus Rises to Show You Compassion
Week 2 David and Teresa Ferguson's Marriage Story
The authors talk about how they healed a hurt from their honeymoon. They remind us that unintentional hurt still hurts.
Week 2 Meditation Video: Jesus Is Welcoming You
Meditate on how Jesus offers a welcome reception and loving relationship despite your shortcomings.
Week 2 Meditation Audio: Jesus is Welcoming You
Week 3 David and Teresa Ferguson's Marriage Story
The authors remind us that one of the ways we can love our partner well is to meet the needs they missed growing up.
Week 3 Meditation Video: Jesus Is Pursuing You
Meditate on how Jesus notices you and cares for the hurts of your life.
Week 3 Meditation Audio: Jesus Is Pursuing You
Week 4 David and Teresa Ferguson's Marriage Story
There is a blessing that comes when we learn to mourn and comfort one another in marriage.
Week 4 Meditation Video: Jesus Is Compassionate Towards You
Meditate on how Jesus is compassionate and forgiving. He wants to restore relationship with you.
Week 4 Meditation Audio: Jesus Is Compassionate Towards You
Week 5 David and Teresa Ferguson's Marriage Story
Be intentional about time to discuss goals, parenting, date nights and ways to stay connected.
Week 5 Meditation Video: Jesus Is Praying for You
Meditate on how Jesus is the only One who can condemn or bring judgment and yet he lives to intercede for you.
Week 5 Meditation Audio: Jesus Is Praying For You
Week 6 David and Teresa Ferguson's Marriage Story
Continue to experience Bible verses and encounter Jesus as we live out our call to love.
Week 6 Meditation Video: Jesus Is Inviting You to Join Him
Meditate on how Jesus wants you to join him in loving your partner well.
Week 6 Meditation Audio: Jesus Is Inviting You to Join Him
Introduction to Facilitator Training - Part 1.pdf
1.88 MB
Introduction to Facilitator Training - Part 2.pdf
1.76 MB
Facilitator's Guide for Small Groups.pdf
918 KB